
(1)He spoke English fairly fluently.(修饰谓语动词)
(2)Fortunately, none of them was hurt.(修饰整个句子,作出评论)
(3)His first response was to say no. Later, however, he changed his mind.(连接性状语)
★ 用法规则1:形容词作状语是形容主语的性质,而副词作状语则修饰动词。如:
He walked home slowly. 他慢慢地步行回家了。
He arrived home, hungry and tired. 他到家时又累又饿。
★ 用法规则2:有些副词像fortunately, luckily, surprisingly, honestly, actually, personally 等作评注性状语往往修饰整个句子,对整个句子进行说明或解释,表示说话人的态度与看法。通常位于句首,常用逗号与句子开。如:
Surprisingly, no one in the class could work out the problem. 令人惊讶的是,班上没有人能算出这道题。

Personally, I don't think he will interview you. 就我个人而言,我不认为他会采访你。


rather 可与比较级或too连用;可修饰形容词、动词、名词
fairly 常与褒义词连用;不与比较级或too连用
quite 修饰right、wrong、ready、full、empty、perfect、possible、alone、unique等不可分级的形容词连用,表示“完全”;也可修饰动词、名词
(1)The sofa looks ________ shabby in the room.
(2)The suitcase is ________ light. I think I can carry it.
(3)It’s _______ warm today. Let’s go for a walk along the river.
(4)He drives _______ fast. It’s dangerous.
(5)I have ________ a few letters to type.
(6)It’s _______ cold outside. Put on your overcoat.
(7)The old minister _______ knew what to say before the emperor.
(8)The young scientist is _______used to wording far into the night.
【答案】(1)rather (2) fairly   (3) fairly / quite   (4) rather 
(5)quite (6) rather   (7) quite   (8)quite

A scientist turns out to be able to see the future by offering each of some four-year-olds a piece of candy and watching how he or she deals with it. Some children reach eagerly for the treat they see. Some last a few minutes be fore they give in. But others are determined to wait until the last moment.
By the time the children reach high school, something remarkable has happened. A survey found that those who as four-year-olds had enough self-control to hold out generally grew up to be more popular, adventurous, confident and dependable. The children who gave in to temptation(诱惑) early were more likely to be lonely, easily frustrated and inflexible(顽固的).
Actually, the ability to delay reward is a sign of emotional intelligence which doesn't show up on an IQ test.
The hardware of the brain and the software of the mind have long been scientists' concerns. But brain theory can't explain what we wonder about most, like the question why some people remain upbeat in the face of troubles that would sink a less resistant soul.
Here comes the theory of Daniel Goleman, writer of Emotional Intelligence: when it comes to predicting people's success, brain ability measured by IQ may actually matter less than the qualities of mind once thought of as “character”.
EQ is not the opposite of IQ. What researchers have been trying to understand is how they work together; how one's ability to handle stress, for instance, affects the ability to concentrate and put intelligence to use. Among the ingredients (要素) for success, researchers now generally agree that IQ counts for about 20%; the rest depends on everything from social class to luck.
While many researchers in this relatively new field are glad to see emotional issues finally taken seriously, some few fear EQ causes misuse.
1. The experiment with the four-year-olds makes it clear that ________.
A. the age of 4 is a proper time for scientific experiment
B. emotional intelligence won't show up until adolescence
C. the ability of self-control plays a role in personal success
D. candy can be used to measure a person's emotional intelligence
2. Which of the following is TRUE of EQ and IQ according to the text?
A. There is no link between EQ and IQ.
B. The higher a person's IQ is, the higher his or her EQ is.
C. Some people can be blessed with lots of both, but some with little of either.
D. Scientists are trying to discover the way in which EQ and IQ work together.
3. Why does the author mention the experiment at the beginning of the text?
A. To amuse both the children and readers. B. To prove the scientist’s wisdom.
C. To introduce the topic of the text. D. To show us how to do an IQ test.

